It isn't enough just for individual FPs to learn to live with them- selves, nor for me to appear on radio and TV shows. Something more public has to be done to bring out our story. In Scandinavia the girls have had large banquets and interviews with members of press and public.
The Sept. 1970 "Convention" in Sweden
In Ohio, the Delta girls recently had a reporter and his wife to a meet- ing. His article appeared in the Akron, Ohio paper and was very fair and interesting. They are next going to try for the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The Alpha chapter in Los Angeles is having its second open house in May to which as many friends of members as possible will be invited. Interactions between FPs and straight people helps to spread know- ledge of our kind to the world at large.
How about some other groups, either as chapters or just as a few willing and able individuals, organizing some sort of confrontations with ministers, doctors, counselling services, reporters, womens clubs or whatever. The only way to achieve public acceptance is by means of interaction with the public. Ten years ago this would have been out of the question but this is a rapidly moving world today and people are both more interested in what's happening and more tolerant of what is. See if you can't figure a way of moving out into the world and reaching people. Put your minds to the problem and your shoulders to the wheel and let's see what can be done around the country. Write in and let me know and I'll spread it around.